Management of Curepipe Market
The Curepipe Municipal Market is regulated by the Curepipe (Market and Slaughter Houses) Regulations. The market has been recently renovated and provides more spaces and security to the public. It is divided into the following sections:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Haberdashery
- Bread
- Groceries
- Flowers
- Fish
- Beef
- Offal
- Poultry
- Venision
- Mutton and Goat
- Pork
- Tobacco Shop
- Tea Hotel
- Newspaper
The opening hours are as follows:
Monday to Saturday: 06.00hrs to 18.00hrs
Sundays and Public Holidays: 06.00hrs to 18.00 hrs
Eight health inspectors are posted at the Market to enforce the Market Regulations and to ensure that stall occupiers abide to sanitary norms. For any information or complaints please phone on 6762407.